Tuesday, May 26, 2009

23 Things n'at progress

Whenever I get a new album (I know, I know, they're not albums anymore, but that's what I call them) it takes me at least 3 times of listening to it straight through to know whether I really like it or not. And I think it's the same with me and new social technology. Until I've used it for a while, I can't say for sure whether it's really useful for me.

That's how I really judge stuff--a lot of web 2.0 ends up being fun and useful but also loaded down with small tedious tasks. It's really about being organized and keeping track of your connections, and always keeping up with your connections. So if I can't invest the proper amount of time in something I don't always create an account to do so. I like these exercises because it gives me an excuse to make accounts and a built in network with whom I can try the stuff out. (Feel free to correct my grammar on that one.)

I've found that I really like the "following" option here on blogger, because I can use it as my library-blog-only RSS Feed. I keep my delicious account for my personal interests--bookmarks that I want to collect but won't use every day. Daily personal bookmarks just go on my Firefox bar at home. So I don't know if I'll ever use my Bloglines account. I'd rather have a lot of things pertaining to one subject collected in separate spaces. I love that I can have it online and accessible anywhere.

The wiki editing was frustrating only because I couldn't format it correctly--like when Microsoft Word decides that you want it to AutoFormat lists or capitalize the beginning of everything after a paragraph break, and it really doesn't want you to override it. Maybe someone else was trying to edit the wiki at the same time I was. I went back once to the list and my edit was missing. So I put it back in. But, I mean, if formatting issues are good enough for Microsoft Word, they are good enough for everyone else.

Can I just say that I love Google Docs, and its share feature?

And that the Nixon/JFK blog vs. wiki video reminded me of Brian Regan's very funny stand-up bit about the Kennedys around the dinner table: "Some people look at creamed corn and ask why. I look at creamed corn and ask... why not?"

I tried to find a youtube clip but couldn't dredge it up.


  1. I am the same way about needing time to warm up to something....whether it be music, a new routine, or technology. It is through use and familiarity that I grow to like something more. I guess that's why I tend to like re-reading and listening to things over and over.

  2. Agreed - it takes time to really see if a tool is going to be useful, or just a hassle. I have a pathway of tools and accounts I've dropped from various sites - either they were too hard to figure out, or I couldn't find a real use for them in my personal and professional life. The ones I've kept, however, make it worth trying things out!

    Loves the library slideshow on the left!

  3. The slideshow definitely rocks!

    This was a really good analysis of what is and isn't working for you. I'm starting to wish I'd just done the "follow" in blogger instead of subscribing to all the 23 Things blogs in Bloglines, but on the bright side it's forcing me to purge all those other blogs I'm kidding myself about actually reading someday...
