Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A win for pop culture

I've been meaning to blog all day but I've been so sleepy I can't trust myself to write anything very coherent or meaningful. Luckily I just found out some exciting (to me) news of the appropriate level for me to blog about: Lauren Conrad of The Hills is coming out with a YA novel.

I like TV, maybe less than the average person, maybe just the same. Who knows. I know I don't follow as many shows as some of my friends. One exception is LOST. Way before that I managed to follow My So-Called Life and The State. Then came college and grad school. Once I got my diplomas and free time back the only show that seemed important enough to remember when it aired was The Hills.

For The Hills is mind blowingly plot-less. So plotless it manages to transcend itself and induce a meditative state in me. It's not too hard to tell that the editors take dialogue out of the show to create the "conversations" that consist of the cast staring at each other in slightly different ways.

By now I am sure that I'm going over well-trodden ground. But in case you're new to MTV programming, here's a great article about the appeal of it all.

Which is just to say: I'm sure that I will be greatly entertained by LC's ghostwritten endeavours. I wish Audrina would write a book. She coins masterly phrases. I still frequently quote her, often saying I'm impressed about things instead of by them. Maybe Whitney could co-write it with her. Then I wish Jay from the City and Justin Bobby would team up to narrate the audiobook.

And hopefully the library would purchase all of these things and I would take them out on my card.

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