I was on vacation and then feverishly preparing for outreach, so I didn't get around to things 7 & 8 until just today. And I wanted to try to download stuff on my mac instead of my work computer, just to see what the limitations would be, if any. So here I am at work with my laptop, using our free wireless, signing kids up for summer reading, making sure they don't take too much pizza, and downloading an audiobook from the website.
I wanted to download a video, because I can't stand listening to voice actors slowly work their way through audiobooks, but that isn't possible for a mac yet. So I downloaded the overdrive software and found one of the very few mp3 audiobooks that wasn't checked out. It was a book about conspiracy theories by Richard Belzer from the tv show Homicide!
All in all, it was limited for Apple users, but pretty easy.